Lookup Database


This list originally compiled by Newhouse masters student Megan Rowls.

Central New York Business Journal


This is the web sister to the local business newspaper by the same name Reading it is a great way to stay up on local business news or to find story leads. See also the Book of Lists for various business sectors which includes key information such as revenue, products, and number of employees.

Edgar at the Securities and Exchange Commission


All companies whose stock is publicly-traded have to file basic reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission so that investors know about the company in which they invest. At this site you can put in a company name or ticker symbol and find all the filings. Most helpful are the 10-K (annual report), 10- Q (operations, property, finances, pending suits, background of corporate officers), the 8-K (significant changes in sales, new management, lawsuit, court judgment or fine) and the Pre-14-A (shareholder votes, sometimes about executive compensation). Dig around to background on a company that’s in the news or a corporation about to locate in the area.