Lookup Database


This list originally compiled by Newhouse Master's student Kate Peskor.

Census Bureau: Minority Links


This website provides reporters with facts and statistics on specific minority groups in the U.S. that can enhance a story or generate a story idea. Each link provides information on specific minority groups, such as social characteristics, economic characteristic, profiles and Census results. The site also features a link to recent news articles and multimedia.

Council for Exceptional Children


The Council’s purpose is to educate people about educational rights for students in the U.S. It supports equal educational rights regardless of “ethnic and racial backgrounds, age, physical and cognitive abilities, family status, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religious and spiritual values, and geographic location.” Included in the site is information about programs. scholarships and grants for talented, special or disabled children. See the newsletter archive, which may point you to story ideas.  On this same page check out the heading “Topics” for more resources.



The NAACP is a national organization representing concerns of black Americans. The local chapter does not have a website. Use this national site for issues and resources.

NY Civil Liberties Union


The New York State Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) is affiliated with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and upholds civil rights in New York State. The site features recent news articles and publications about civil rights from around the U.S. It also features links to civil rights cases. This site would be good for legal reporting and for story ideas.

Oneida Indian Nation


This official site of the Oneida Nation offers the history and culture of this local Native American group. If includes community news and information about upcoming events. Oneidas live near Canastota, Verona and Oneida; The Nation owns the Turning Stone Resort and Casino.

Sage Upstate


This local group provides programming, support, social activities and education for  gay, lesbian, and transgender persons.  See the Weekly Updates section. Through the calendar you can find story leads or know where to find persons who identify as gay if there’s a daily story for which you want background.

The Human Rights Campaign


The Human Rights Campaign supports gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender diversity both in the workplace and in life. The site has articles about the issues and discrimination, gay, lesbian and transgender people face. This website includes links about equality and elections. It features information about laws and national events to support equality in the U.S. To localize the information from this site, click on “Local,” then click on NY State. This could be helpful when trying to localize a national story on LGBT issues.

The Office of Minority Health


Use this site from U.S. Department of Minority Health when writing about minorities and health care. It contains data and statistics for specific minorities and medical issues and plenty of other topical information on minority health. Good place for background research.

U.S. Civil Rights Division


This homepage for the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice covers the agency’s activities. The main page includes news and featured items, including recent reports that could be either background or content for a story.

Unity — Journalists of Color


This website is maintained and updated by Unity, an organization that supports journalists of color and coverage that reflects the nation’s diversity. The organization promotes and educates users and journalists about the need for diversity in journalism. The site feature news, information about upcoming events and conventions, and publications useful for journalists. Unity is a partner with the four journalism organizations below. Use this site for information and contacts for stories about diversity of news and news coverage in journalism.